Online Tuition Vs Traditional Tuition

In this day and age, education continues to thrive and prosper thanks to technology. With the many advancements made possible by the digital world, the possibilities and opportunities of online education are endless. However, that brings us to the question, what is better: traditional tuition or online tuition? Here are some important factors to consider when weighing in whether to take up Traditional Tuition or Online Tuition.


Why Everyone Chooses Virtual Tuition?

With the widespread of the pandemic, safety is of utmost importance. People all over the world have been forced into their homes to avoid getting the virus, and that goes for good reason. Schools and centers have since shifted online, and some of which are well adjusted thanks to the helping hands of Edtech, such as Knovo. However, due to changes in guidelines and protocols, tuition centers are slowly opening up their physical spaces and welcoming students.

Because the virus is still out there, a lot of parents are not risking their children’s health for them to learn. Many are staying safe and learning from the comfort of their own home with online tuition, opening up an entire new way of learning with instructors both near and far. Thanks to the instant connectivity the internet brings, students and instructors are able to connect from anywhere, anytime.

Here are some important factors to consider when weighing whether to take up Traditional Tuition or Online Tuition.

5 Reasons That Proves Online Tuition Is Better Than Traditional Tuition

1. Requires Lesser Travel Expenses

Because learning is done online, students and teachers do not have to meet physically for knowledge transfer. This is a win-win on both sides, because neither has to spend on travelling to get together. Whether it be on public transportation or gas, the money saved can be used towards something better!

2. More Creative Learning

With all the different avenues that are opened in the digital world, such as platforms, games, and so much more, creative learning is enhanced as teachers and students are able to stray from the normal ways of learning, and find new and interesting ways to pass on and acquire knowledge.

3. Online Tuition Increases Interaction And Connectivity

Because the internet is 24/7, it allows interaction anywhere, and anytime. Now, students and teachers are not limited to in-person interactions. They can get on a video call, message each other through chat, and collaborate simultaneously on fun projects through platforms.

4. Online Tuition Is Safe Compared To Traditional Tuition

Learning shouldn’t come at huge sacrifices. Rest and play are essential to everyone. With Knovo, you don’t have to plan your learning around fixed tuition schedules. Enjoy the freedom to learn at places, and periods most convenient for you.

5. Customizable

Not only does it lessen the travelling time, but online tuition also allows each individual to focus on the topics they really need help with. Customize your own study plan according to your own schedule to maximize efficiency.

Join Knovo now for the best online learning experience!